The UK Government has rejected an amendment backed by the House of Lords on post-Brexit food standards. MPs backed a compromise, but campaigners say it is too weak.
Soya is taking over the vegan food scene. But production surpasses vegan demand. There must be another culprit which is driving soya's destructive grip.
American negotiators urged to push the UK into scrapping regulations on pesticides, genetically-modified crops, and the production of chicken and meat products
A dog food based on insects instead of meat is being launched in over 150 pet stores and online - aiming to reduce the carbon pawprint of man’s best friend.
A major new report sets out how the world can meet growing demands for food, while avoiding deforestation, stabilising the climate and reducing poverty.
Enough of the quick fixes, the sticking plasters that scarcely cover the wound. What farmers need now is help to get off the treadmill, and that requires a wholesale rethink of our food and farming systems - argues HELEN BROWNING
From school dinners to farmers' markets and GM crops, SATISH KUMAR explains why our relationship with food is so important and what he thinks makes food really wholesome.
Parliament will debate Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) this Tuesday. Caroline Lucas of the Green party wants to increase the democratic control of international trade. Without it, the UK may start importing GM food and more chemically treated products, warns GUY TAYLOR
The majority of meat, fish and dairy suppliers are not managing environmental and social risks, according to an analysis of 60 global food companies. Meanwhile, Scottish campaigners are asking for more sustainable food. CATHERINE EARLY reports
A major new scientific report reveals how organic agriculture can help feed the world whilst reducing the environmental impacts, PETER MELCHETT, of the Soil Association delves into the data.
The UN Committee on World Food Security in Rome has today launched a new report examining the impact of chemical intensive, industrial food system on human health. GEORGINA DOWNS responds.